Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I apologise once again, to the hordes who unceasingly flock to this blog to read of my exploits, for the lack of any postings for quite some time. Of course the reality is that there are probably three of you reading, two of whom got here quite by accident while surfing for illegal music downloads. Sorry.

The year so far has passed in a blink, in a flurry of insanity, and as usual there is no apparent end in sight. All I really feel like doing is sleeping, but there's no time for such folly. There's things to do... planning for a few big events, a bit of design work, fixing my letterbox.

Yes, my letterbox. A little gem of joy I could definitely have done without on Sunday. Sunday was an interesting day, a day where I swore quietly under my breath more than once at that damn Murphy whose law was working overtime. My mate Sam came and spoke at church... and he was great! It's a pity that not everything else was quite in step.

My drive home was spent in quiet reflection... and more than a little frustration. Pulling into my driveway something seemed different but I couldn't quite place it. I sat in the car thinking... and then it came to me... the letterbox was missing! Not just damaged... gone. I found the lid laying in the grass in front of my neighbours and the rest of it was about 30m away sitting in the middle of a traffic island. What kind of scumbag finds it amusing to rip a strangers letterbox off the fence, break it into two pieces and leave it scattered down the road? I can't tell you what I wanted to do to aforementioned scumbag as i walked back to my house with the remains of my letterbox.

I know it's a pretty minor thing to happen when you compare it to the issues that face many people in the world today who would love to have a stupid problem of a broken letterbox instead of the life and death problems they face everyday. But at the time it REALLY got me mad!

A jar of screws and some wood glue later the letterbox is back on the fence albeit slightly crooked. But I find myself now regularly looking out the window to see if it's still there... or if some little neighbourhood turd is looking at it funny.

Enough of that. I'm off to read my book. I thought it was time for some culture so I'm currently reading Homer's Iliad... the translation not the original Greek in case you were wondering. It's amazing how a story that was written around 750BC is still so awesome!