Wednesday, December 01, 2004

the return

My cat came back… but unlike the old song, it wasn’t “the very next day”.

I recently moved house and took my cat with me. It seems however that he wasn’t as taken with the idea of a move as I was and at his first opportunity he disappeared. That was three months ago and I’d assumed that he had either taken up with a more caring and less transitory owner or… he was fertilizer.

So it was with surprise that I received a phone call last week to tell me that my cat had turned up at the old house alive and well. He was a bit skinny. I guess birds and mice or whatever else he’d scavenged weren’t as nutritious as his normal fare.

Back into the cat box he went and back to the new house. One can only wonder what thoughts passed through his feline mind when the box opened and he found himself back in the house he’d escaped from! Three months of deprivation and hardship for nothing!

On a more scientific note… if a cat weighs approximately 4kg after an epic journey, eats normal food for 24 hours afterwards and then, um, evacuates his stomach contents on the kitchen floor… repeatedly…. Is it possible for these gastric expulsions to weigh more than the cat? Ripley’s may be interested… such a little cat, such a lot of mess.

Some people get to party at night, some people engage in intellectual musings with their peers. On my knees on the kitchen floor in the stench of cat vomit, I envy those people.

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