Friday, May 25, 2007

Blind Panic!

I had one of those moments yesterday. I'm sure you know the kind of moment... it's when you do something and immediately panic you've done something wrong. Now I don't want to dwell on anything distasteful or crass for long so I'll try to keep it polite.

I was at work and I had a pain in my stomach, so I went to the bathroom. Let's just say I had a slightly upset stomach... you fill in the blanks. Mission complete I reach for the flush button and push.... and nothing happens! I stared in horror, and just in case the toilet had miraculously fixed itself in the last 2 seconds I pushed the button again. Unsurprisingly, but no less horrorfyingly, nothing happened again. Several scenarios instantaneously flashed through my mind, and every single one of them involved humiliation as I try to explain why I used a toilet that everyone else knew was broken. Remember the start of this paragraph when I mentioned the upset stomach... you can imagine how one might feel the onset of panic at a time like this.

Being a reasonably logical chap I started through the checklist of obvious faults, found that the cistern was empty and the fill valve turned off. A quick turn to the left and the water began to flow, my heart rate returned to normal and the pallor left my face.

Ok... maybe not a truly momentous occasion worthy of space on this page... but it felt pretty meaningful at the time.

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